Travel to Paso Robles

Paso Robles Wine Country is easily accessible by car, plane or train.

Located along Highway 101 and close to the famed Pacific Coast Highway, a drive to Paso Robles Wine Country is scenic and truly breathtaking. Participants can book airfare to San Luis Obispo Regional Airport, which is approximately 30 minutes from Paso Robles by car. Alternatively, the Amtrak Train Station runs right through the center of town.


The Venue:
CaliPaso Winery & Villa

Our host, CaliPaso Winery & Villa, is a lux­u­ri­ous pri­vate inn and win­ery nes­tled in the rolling hills and vine­yards of Paso Rob­les, a Wine Coun­try which lies halfway between the two main Cal­i­for­nia metrop­o­lis­es of Los Ange­les and San Fran­cis­co.

Locat­ed along California’s famed Cen­tral Coast, the Paso Rob­les wine grape grow­ing region’s cli­mate is per­fect for the pro­duc­tion of award-win­ning pre­mi­um wines.

With great weather conditions and scenic views, it also makes for the perfect race location of our Wine Country Runs annual event. With a family-fun focus, CaliPaso Winery & Villa is a venue the kids will remember and the adults will love.

CaliPaso Winery & Villa is located at 4230 Buena Vista Drive, Paso Robles, California.